Pastor Johnny Chae grew up in Elgin, IL under the ministry of Pastor Keith Gomez and Northwest Bible Baptist Church. He met his wife, Traci, at Providence Baptist College. He graduated in May of 2012 with a Bachelors Degree in Missions and married Traci in July of that same year.
While serving at Northwest as a Sunday school teacher, the Lord confirmed in his heart that it was time for him to begin serving in a full-time capacity. Not long after, he was contacted by Pastor Jason Atwood in 2015, who was the pastor of our church at that time. With the counsel and help of both Pastor Gomez and Pastor Atwood, he joined the full-time staff of Heritage Baptist Church in July of 2015 as Youth Pastor. Over four years of youth ministry, he fell in love with the people of Heritage.
In the beginning of 2019, he believed that God was calling him to be a pastor. After much prayer, it became clear that God was leading him to pastor Heritage Baptist Church, and he was unanimously called to be the pastor on July 14, 2019.
Behind every Pastor is a loving and caring wife! Mrs. Traci teaches in our academy, as well as Children’s Church on Sundays. The Chae’s have three children, McKenna, Everly, and Haddon.